Sunday, July 18, 2010

Diagnosing Anxiety

Diagnosing Anxiety
My name is Dr. Griggs. I am a clinical psychologist and have worked in

private practice over twenty years. I've written a single subject ebook about

how to diagnose and treat your own anxiety. I presume you want straight

answers. My goal is to help you understand/learn about anxiety and to teach

skills to manage it. In this monograph, I share my tweyty-five years of

professional experience in this particular subject. My goal is to help you

identify the symptoms and begin to deal with your symptoms, if that is what

is appropriate, or to learn when to seek a professional. Many types of

anxiety do not require professional help and, conversely, many do. I mainly

discuss anxiety, so if you have “other” symptoms (depression, eating

disorders, addictions, etc.) you can obtain other monographs on these

subjects later. Since anxiety often is associated with and sometimes

underlies these other conditions. I will mention these other areas briefly.
I have written this monograph because I see many anxious people in my

practice who did not need to spend their money or time going to a therapist.

There are many people like you who want or need information about their

experiences, but cannot afford to see a therapist. There are people suffering

from anxiety who need a therapist and might respond to a monograph like this

because it is specific and confidential. Each of these groups of people might

benefit from my experience and get some clinical direction, and possibly move

towards solving some of their problems by themselves without lengthy

treatment. This document educates and offers at least an initial approach to

a widespread problem, and does so safely, sensibly and inexpensively. If you

do not require treatment, this material will help you find that out, put your

mind at ease and save you money. If you do need a therapist, this material

will help you figure that out and point you in the right direction.
Everything presented here has been researched and used in my private practice

for years. This approach to the subject of anxiety is the one I take when I

work with clients. The process is well documented in established

psychological journals and other professional psychological literature. That

does not mean the psychological techniques necessarily will be easy. They are

effective within the limits set forth in this monograph. I take you to the

limits of what can be done in a self-help manual. It may be reassuring that

anxiety is a very common experience and is not limited to the young or old,

rich or poor, or to any race, religion or geographic area. This material is

applicable to any adult who is experiencing some form of anxiety and who

wants to know more or to do something about it. For more information on this

Anxiety Monograph, or on me, or how to contact me, please visit my website at:

Dr. Griggs

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